Thursday, March 25, 2010

Justice League: the Rise of Arsenal#01 Part 01

As a tradition of this blog, I´m posting a step-by-step process of a comicbook page from Justice League: the Rise of Arsenal#01. Written by JT Krul, this piece of art has done by me (layout and pencils), Marlo "awesome" Alquiza (inks) and Hi Fi (colors).

See you later.

Monday, March 22, 2010

MAISHQ - a Manga and Anime Convention

Dear guys,

I was invited to do a workshop on a Manga and Anime Convention at Sobral, a brazilian city, representing my agency, IMPACTO STUDIOS. My worshop was about comic storytelling. That was great opportunity to meet some big comic pros like JJ Marreiro (MSP+50), Lederly Mendonça (SENAC professor), Walter Geovani (Red Sonja), Alex Lei and Rob Lean (Ed Benes´inkers), Diego Bernard (Man with No Name), Wagner Nogueira (Velame Studios) and so on. My congratulations to Gattai Group, these guys are responsible for this awesome event!! Below that´s my "Arsenal moment" during the Con.
Best and see you later!!!